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  • Writer's pictureAmber

Smell the Roses

Time is such a bittersweet thing. When we’re young, we often wish for time to fly by. We want to be old enough to get a phone, drive a car, go on a date, vote, etc. As you get older, you realize that time is such a luxury. You wish for it to slow down. You regret wishing for time to speed up.

When you become a parent, you pray that time will slow down. You see how quickly your kids change and grow and how quickly they outgrow needing you. You’re proud of how much they’ve grown as a person, but you miss when they were little.

Lately, I’ve been trying to be more intentional with my time. Despite having a child with a life-threatening disease, I’m human and I still wish for time to speed up sometimes. I’ve been focusing more on time with my family and it occurred to me how truly amazing my daughter is. I’ve always felt it, but rarely do I take the time to just sit and watch her and take every part of her in.

When I actually take the time, I’m moved by her beautiful eye lashes and her sweet little cheeks, her long, pretty hair, her soft skin, and her smell. I never want to forget these little things. God created this perfect little human and he placed her with me. Of all the people in the world, I am the lucky one who gets to call her daughter. I feel so undeserving of her love, yet she gives me love so freely. She doesn’t have many words, but when she looks at me with that smile of hers, I just melt and I know, in that moment, that she loves me as much as I love her.

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