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  • Writer's pictureAmber

Love Knows No Bounds

Sweet baby girl. You are growing up before my very eyes. The moment I felt you kick in my belly, I knew you were destined for great things. The path God chose for us isn’t an easy one. We’ve had our fair share of tears & worries, but we keep pressing forward. You are loved more than you will ever comprehend. You have a way of lighting up a room when you enter. You see the world with such an innocence that makes you pure. You never give up and you have taught those around you to give more grace, to be thankful for what they have, and (above all) to never give up. You have moved mountains and have proven time and time again that this is YOUR story and no one can take that from you. I want you to know, though, that changing the world and educating those around you isn’t your responsibility. You were brought this world for a divine purpose and you are perfect just the way you are. I wish I could take away all the pain and suffering you’ve endured. Know that your dad & I will always be there for you, that we love you with all our hearts, & that you never have to fight this fight alone. ❤️

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