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  • Writer's pictureAmber

Forever and Always

This week I’ve been rather nostalgic. My husband and I are celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary on Friday. We’ve been together for 15 years. We were just babies when we met at 21 years old. We’ve built quite a life together in the past 15 years.

8 years ago we were handed difficult news that forever changed the trajectory of our lives and our marriage. We became focused on our daughter and her needs and put ourselves on the back burner. Lately, though, we’ve found each other again.

When I think about advice I’d give those who are newlyweds or even those who are seasoned and struggling, I’d say to choose your spouse every day. Life is hard. Marriage is hard. Raising a family is hard. Marriage isn’t about falling in love. It’s about CHOOSING love every day. It’s about forgiveness. It’s about making compromises and working together as a team. It’s about loving someone so fiercely that you accept that person for all that he or she is - the good qualities and bad. You should always strive to bring out the best in your spouse, to keep open lines of communication, and to forgive one another when you each make mistakes.

It’s okay to go to bed angry if that means not saying something you’ll regret in the heat of your anger. It’s important to find the humor in life and learn to laugh with each other. It’s important to make goals together and to always keep God at the center of your marriage.

So today and every day, I choose you, Randy. I choose to love you and cherish you in sickness and in health and in good times and bad today, tomorrow, forever - again and again until the end of our days.. ❤️

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