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  • Writer's pictureAmber


I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching lately. I realized after I had my son that I wasn’t taking care of myself. Time is short and energy is even shorter these days. I seem to constantly be pulled into a million different directions. There’s always a phone call to be made, supplies to order, or appointments to attend. Once all that is finished, I barely have enough energy for my family.

I decided last week to begin each day with prayer. It has calmed my anxiety and given me more peace. I’m leaning into scripture to guide me through the droughts of my life. As I contemplated all that God has done for me, I came to a big realization- God didn’t have to create me. That realization was so very humbling. He CHOSE to create me. God knew that I would slip up time and time again. He knew I wasn’t perfect. He knew I’d make mistakes. He also knows my heart. He knows my story. He has a specific plan for me and I’m excited to see what the future holds with God by my side.

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